Next.js next/image 관련 코드 까보기 (23.11.19)


파일 상단에 보면 ImageProps 라는 타입이 정의되어있다. Omit은 특정 속성만 제거한 타입을 선언한다. JSX.IntrinsicElements['img'] 타입에서 'src' | 'srcSet' | 'ref' | 'alt' | 'width' | 'height' | 'loading'을 제거하고, &로 추가 타입들을 선언한다.

export type ImageProps = Omit<
  "src" | "srcSet" | "ref" | "alt" | "width" | "height" | "loading"
> & {
  src: string | StaticImport;
  alt: string;
  width?: number | `${number}`;
  height?: number | `${number}`;
  fill?: boolean;
  loader?: ImageLoader;
  quality?: number | `${number}`;
  priority?: boolean;
  loading?: LoadingValue;
  placeholder?: PlaceholderValue;
  blurDataURL?: string;
  unoptimized?: boolean;
   * @deprecated Use `onLoad` instead.
   * @see
  onLoadingComplete?: OnLoadingComplete;
   * @deprecated Use `fill` prop instead of `layout="fill"` or change import to `next/legacy/image`.
   * @see
  layout?: string;
   * @deprecated Use `style` prop instead.
  objectFit?: string;
   * @deprecated Use `style` prop instead.
  objectPosition?: string;
   * @deprecated This prop does not do anything.
  lazyBoundary?: string;
   * @deprecated This prop does not do anything.
  lazyRoot?: string;


해당 함수에서는 next.config.js 에 설정되어 있는 deviceSizesallSizes를 참조하여 width를 설정한다.

function getWidths(
  { deviceSizes, allSizes }: ImageConfig,
  width: number | undefined,
  sizes: string | undefined
): { widths: number[]; kind: "w" | "x" } {
  if (sizes) {
    // Find all the "vw" percent sizes used in the sizes prop
    const viewportWidthRe = /(^|\s)(1?\d?\d)vw/g;
    const percentSizes = [];
    for (let match; (match = viewportWidthRe.exec(sizes)); match) {
      // match : [" 100vw", " ", "100"]
      // match[2] : "100"
      // percentSizes = [100, 50, 33];
    if (percentSizes.length) {
      const smallestRatio = Math.min(...percentSizes) * 0.01;
      return {
        // allSizes에 설정한 width를 순회하며 size가 deviceSizes의 첫번째 요소 * smallestRatio 보다 크거나 같은것들만 필터한다.
        widths: allSizes.filter((s) => s >= deviceSizes[0] * smallestRatio),
        kind: "w",
    return { widths: allSizes, kind: "w" };
  if (typeof width !== "number") {
    return { widths: deviceSizes, kind: "w" };

  const widths = [ Set(
      // > This means that most OLED screens that say they are 3x resolution,
      // > are actually 3x in the green color, but only 1.5x in the red and
      // > blue colors. Showing a 3x resolution image in the app vs a 2x
      // > resolution image will be visually the same, though the 3x image
      // > takes significantly more data. Even true 3x resolution screens are
      // > wasteful as the human eye cannot see that level of detail without
      // > something like a magnifying glass.
      // 3배까지 지원하지 않는 이유는 OLED 화질에서 육안으로 확인하기 힘들 정도의 차이이기 때문
      [width, width * 2 /*, width * 3*/].map(
        (w) => allSizes.find((p) => p >= w) || allSizes[allSizes.length - 1]
  return { widths, kind: "x" };

Last updated